Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary

Close-up of four horses with diverse coat colors standing in a field under a blue sky.

Photo: Karla LaRive

11,000 acres of protected land in the Black Hills of South Dakota where wild mustangs forever run free

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Our Mission

Our mission is to protect America's wild horses while preserving the the vast, ecologically-diverse Sanctuary they call home. We aim to educate and inspire future generations to safeguard this land forever.

“I grew up with wild horses and hold them for a lot of joy in my life. I just had the feeling I was the guy who had to do something about it.”

—Dayton O. Hyde, Founder

Cowboy riding a horse named Hawk in an open field, vintage black and white photo.

Dayton O. Hyde: A Legacy of Wildness and Stewardship

Dayton O. Hyde was this century's Aldo Leopold—an environmental visionary who believed that humans should not hold dominion over wildlife but rather bear the responsibility to protect all creatures and the ecosystems in which they naturally thrive. His holistic view of the Western prairies and his unconventional yet ingenious conservation methods shaped the protection of countless species, including the wolf, rainbow trout, coyote, sandhill crane, great gray owl, and porcupine.

On his Oregon ranch, Hyde’s intuitive and practical expertise in preserving the delicate balance of nature led to the restoration of vital wetlands, creating a much-needed refuge for migratory birds. But his most ambitious and enduring achievement came later—when he set out to save America’s wild horses.

Wild horses on a rocky cliff edge under a blue sky.

Beautiful land, magnificent horses

Our mustangs share the Sanctuary with coyotes, cougar, whitetail and mule deer, elk, wild turkeys, eagles, and falcons. Their sprawling, grassland home encompasses rocky canyons, windswept prairies, and dark pine forests—a vibrant and diverse ecosystem, forever protected.

“Imagine a place where as far as the eye can see, miles and miles to the horizon, you can view America as it was 300 years ago…”

Our Sanctuary exists thanks to the generosity of people like you.

Ongoing drought and rising costs of fuel have created unprecedented challenges for feeding our herds. A single day at the Sanctuary requires fifteen round bales of hay—at a staggering $85,000 per month. Together, with your support, we can continue to keep our horses fed and happy.

Three horses eating hay, standing closely together outdoors, with trees in the background.

Get Involved

Here are some ways you can help.

Black and white pinto horse standing in a field with tall grass.


Form a lasting bond with an individual horse while providing the essential care they need.

A horse and a foal standing on grass near a blue salt lick.


Gift hay, water, minerals, or medical care—directly funding essentials for our wild horses.

Woman bottle-feeding a young foal in a fenced outdoor area with a barn in the background.


Ensure wild horses continue to thrive in freedom through a one-time or recurring donation.